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Writer: Suyash BhardwajSuyash Bhardwaj

Meaning - an alignment of celestial bodies

In the long-forgotten time of the Babylonians, there survived an obscure text with no verifiable source which is roughly translated as below:

Celestials never come together but once; Make your wish in this event of galactic flux; Reach the Etemenanki; Enter the sacred gate; Hold the stone of Jade; Wait for the gaze of seven; Travel to a world that you know is your heaven.

The Etemenanki is a temple in present-day Baghdad, Iraq. It is also known as "the temple of the foundation of heaven and earth". This temple is said to be a portal to heaven and it opens only when the jade stone is under the light of the other seven planets such that they are visible in the same sky from earth. The last such event happened in the year 949 AD. The present date is May 6 of the year 2492 AD.

As I stand in front of the gate my soul yearns to end the wait; Holding the stone of Jade; I look up to the sky for the seven to gaze; Brightly the Jade shines; Lighting up the sacred shrine.

I find myself floating amongst the great stars. Suddenly, everything starts to shrink and disappear. The pitch black of the universe suddenly turned into a silent white expanse of nothingness. Everything in the universe is condensed into a sphere that floats. A strong instinct pushed me towards the onyx stone. A strange sensation engulfed me as soon as I touched the sphere.

My consciousness was sucked out of my reality and thrown into a different reality. I find myself at a bus stop. I realized quickly that I have lived this time. The date was January 4, 2487. It was on this day she died in a car accident. I rushed to my home or at least to a home I know existed. The city was familiar yet different. I ran as fast as I could. My heart pounded heavily in anticipation. Exasperated, I finally reached home. I stormed through the door. Searching frantically for her, my heart began to sink with having nothing in every room I looked. As I reached the backyard, there I saw a beautiful girl playing around with no care in the world. Tears rolled down my cheeks. The miracle worked. The planets changed my miserable fate. The Gods answered. The girl saw me. She ran and hugged me. "Why do cry, daddy?" she asks. "Nothing, my heaven" I replied.



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